Our Vision

We see healthy, vibrant forests stewarded to protect ecosystem biodiversity, resilience and to maintain their life giving functions for all living beings.

Our Mission

To steward forests for biodiversity and ecological integrity to ensure a healthy planet.


Our Values

We believe:

•      That ecoforestry is a practice that preserves fully intact forest ecosystems while providing for ecologically appropriate levels of harvest. This practice adapts to include ecological, cultural, Indigenous knowledge, heritage, scenic, recreational, wildlife and fisheries values and objectives.

•      That all life deserves respect and room to thrive.

•      That the current direction of industrial forestry is ultimately destructive and the application of ecoforestry principles to forest management will allow communities, economies and ecosystems to thrive.

•      In a whole system approach to forestry – one that maintains structure, function and composition of forest ecosystems across scope, scale and time.

•      In fostering a network of information sharing, understanding and practical application of ecoforestry principles – accessible to the public, First Nations, practitioners and youth.

•      In humility, the wisdom of Elders, a positive approach to change, learning and adapting from experience, and respect for nature.

•      In maintaining a collective memory of sustainable forestry practices and making that information available to future generations.

•      That we need to fundamentally change the way in which forests are managed, learning from past experiences and wisdom.

•      In fostering ecologically sustainable forestry, recognizing that all economies and communities are ultimately based on the natural world.



We believe that all life deserves respect and room to thrive.